About us
大家好,我是旅居英國部落客媽媽「Nana媽咪」,育有雙寶小哈利4y0m + 小班尼 2y1m,平時在粉專與大家分享跨國婚姻、雙語育兒的各種喜怒哀樂,也不時有在找優質選物開團,替同溫層父母省去爬文找好物不踩雷的時間、同時替大家守住荷包,將錢花在刀口上(養小孩一路上要花的錢實在是太多了),育兒之路更事半功倍。
Every lesson is passed down from Liz’s family to yours.
Our mission is to foster a love of learning in your little ones, through creative lesson plans and prompts.
“A creative education has the power to catapult children into a lifetime of curiosity.”
— Liz, Founder of Little Comets Academy